Partials & Dentures

Partials & Dentures

When you have missing teeth, it is best to start thinking about tooth replacement options right away. If you delay too long, then your remaining natural teeth will begin to shift. This shift can make chewing and speaking uncomfortable and difficult. Thankfully, full and partial dentures are a solution for many people. Here at Smiles by JB, we are dedicated to providing each patient with the highest levels of dental care possible. We encourage you to learn more about the services we provide. If you have any questions at all, please call us at (919) 484-0880 to learn more. Our kind and courteous dental team looks forward to hearing from you.

Types of Dentures

Dentures are prosthetic teeth also known as false teeth. These replacement teeth can be removed and placed back into your mouth as the patient desires. Depending on your specific case, you may need partial or full dentures.

A partial denture is an option when not all of your teeth need to be removed. Removable partial dentures aren’t all that different from a dental bridge, other than the fact they aren’t a permanent fixture inside your mouth.

A full denture is an option when all of the natural teeth are removed from the mouth. There are two types of complete dentures.

  • Conventional Full Dentures – All teeth are removed, and the tissue is given time to heal before the dentures are placed. This may take a few months for gum tissue to completely heal. During this time, you will be without teeth.
  • Immediate Full Dentures – Prior to having your teeth removed, your dentist takes measurements and has dentures fitted to your mouth. After removing the teeth, the dentures are immediately placed in your mouth. With immediate dentures, you don’t have to spend time without teeth. However, you will need to have follow-up visits to refit your dentures because your jawbone will change shape as your mouth heals.
A dentist takes notes on a tablet.

Getting Used to Your New Dentures

Your partials and dentures may take some getting used to. The flesh-colored base of the dentures is placed over your gums. In the beginning, it may feel bulky or like you don’t have enough room for your tongue. Other people may feel as though their new dentures feel loose. All of this may affect the way you eat and talk while you get used to the dental prostheses. Over time, your mouth gets used to eating and speaking with your new dentures. They’ll begin to feel more and more like your own pearly whites.

Caring for Your Dentures

Even though your dentures are not real teeth, you should still care for them like they are. You should still brush them to remove plaque and food particles before removing your dentures. After you take them out, you should place them directly into room temperature water or denture cleaning solution. It’s important that you never use hot water because it could change the shape of your dentures.

Handle your dentures with care. Dropping them could damage them. They are delicate. It’s also important that you never try to adjust your dentures yourself. This could actually ruin them. Always seek assistance from your dentist if your dentures feel uncomfortable or loose.

You should still visit your dentist regularly to maintain good oral health. Taking care of your full dentures or partials as well as your mouth will help keep them looking great. Your mouth changes over time so it’s not unusual to need adjustments or new dentures as this happens.

If you’re interested in a more permanent solution that helps prevent bone loss, speak with the professionals at Smiles by JB to see if you’re a candidate for dental implants.

Denture FAQs

What are dentures made of?

Dentures are made from a variety of materials including:

  • Acrylic
  • Porcelain
  • Nylon
  • Resin
  • Metal

The framework is generally nylon or acrylic; however, a metal framework is also common. The type of framework depends on the types of dentures being created. For example, with partial dentures, you can generally expect them to have metal clasps and an acrylic base. Full dentures, on the other hand, are generally made from acrylic or nylon but can use either acrylic or metal attachments.

In addition to the framework is the false tooth or false teeth. These are typically made from porcelain or resin. Both provide a natural appearance, yet porcelain tends to be a closer match in comparison to natural teeth. Porcelain is also more durable. However, its durability can wear and cause problems on any remaining natural teeth. For this reason, it’s recommended that porcelain is only used for full dentures and not partials.

What is the average cost of dentures?

The costs associated with dentures vary widely from case to case. There are many factors to consider, such as:

  • Treatment complexity
  • Time required for treatment
  • Location of the dental practice
  • Full vs. Partial dentures
  • Denture materials
  • Denture adhesives

It’s also important to understand that you’ll need follow-up visits due to changes in your mouth and bone structure over the years. You may also need new dentures at some point in the future.

Can I sleep in my dentures?

While you can technically sleep in your dentures, it’s not really recommended. Removing your dentures before you sleep relieves pressure on your gums and jawbone and gives them time to relax. You should never wear your dentures for 24 hours a day without taking the time for proper oral hygiene to prevent gum disease and other problems.

What are permanent dentures?

Permanent dentures aren’t really dentures at all. They fall into the category of dental implants. Titanium screws are inserted through the gum tissue and into the jawbone. The dentures then attach to the dental implants.

In some cases, these types of dentures can only be removed by your dentist. In other cases, the patent can snap them in and out as needed. Speak with your dentist to learn more about all of your full or partial denture options.